Shipping Countries: United States (US), Canada
LH AFT Window Moulding Cheetah – Tiger P/N 5102353-5
Year / Trim / Serial Number | 1975 AA5B (AA5B-0001 Thru AA5B-0110), 1976 AA5B (AA5B-0111 Thru AA5B-0399), 1977 AA5B (AA5B-0400 Thru AA5B-0692), 1978 AA5A (AA5A-0523 Thru AA5A-0670), 1978 AA5B (AA5B-0693 Thru AA5B-0905), 1979 AA5A (AA5A-0671 Thru AA5A-0900), 1979 AA5B (AA5B-0906 Thru AA5B-132) |
Front Upper Right Cover
$48.98 -
Grumman Cheetah & Tiger Upper and Lower Tail Cone
$150.00 – $270.00 -
AA5 Series Hat Shelf PN 5102353-1
$254.19 -
AA5 Traveler Upper and Lower Tail Cone
$150.00 – $275.00 -
Aft Interior Inspection Cover P/N 5102373-511
$18.75 -
Battery Box Lid cover P/N 402012-504
Shipping Policy
Grumman Parts Shipping Policy
All orders are shipped within 48 hours Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm.
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If a tracking # is provided by the shipping carrier, we will update your order with the tracking information. Please note that some orders using 1st Class USPS mail will not have tracking numbers.
Shipping Rates
The rate charged for the shipping of your order is based on the size and weight of your products, and your location. Before the final checkout page, you will be shown what the cost of shipping will be, and you will have a chance to not place your order if you decide not to.
Back Orders
If an item goes on back order we will ship you the part of your order that is in stock. When the item becomes available we will ship you the rest of your order. You will not be charged any additional shipping and handling for the second shipment.
Refund Policy
Privacy Policy
This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy SERIOUSLY and will take all measures to protect your personal information.
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We only collect information that we need that is related to your order. This includes your:
Billing Address
Shipping Address
Email Address
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Your information is only used to fill your order. We do not sell or redistribute your information to ANYONE.
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Only your order data billing, shipping, and order contents data is stored on our server. This information is encrypted using a Secure Sockets Layer before it is transmitted over a web server. We do not store your Credit Card data.
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Cookies are small files that reside on your computer and allow us to recognize you on your next visit or store your shopping cart contents. We use them only to track this information.
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