What is SB195A and Why is it Important?

by | Jun 22, 2021 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

Recently a Grumman American AA-5 experienced an in-flight loss of pitch control which resulted in an aircraft accident.

Post-accident inspection of the aircraft revealed separation (debonding) of the L/H Horizontal Stabilizer upper and lower skin surfaces from the end rib mounting flanges. The examination was also conducted on an exemplar aircraft for comparison, during which a similar compromise of the structure was identified.

Through discussion with the ACO, it was determined that an Airworthiness Directive should be created to address the debonding issue with the AA-5 and AA-1 Horizontal Stabilizer, and towards that end, the quickest path to producing an Airworthiness Directive (AD) was a pursuit of an Immediately Adopted Rule (IAR), which the ACO is currently working on. The AD is still weeks out from completion. This information is being distributed, in an effort to educate the flying public during the interim time, until the AD is published.

Notice POC: Inspector Jeff Baumgartner, Washington FSDO, EA-27, 

jeffrey.baumgartner@faa.gov / 703-260-7664, x-214FAASTeam Notice
Type: Airworthiness
Notice Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Notice Number: NOTC1827

Video of a customer’s AA5 Traveler showing a debonded outer rib. Thank goodness he caught it.

Addressing the issue and best practices for ALL Grumman Aircraft at each annual.  

TrueFlight Aero

June 2, 2021 – Here is the latest information for SB-195A. Please read the new documents carefully as there have been significant changes.

As Grumman pilots, owners of the Type Certificates, and operators of an all-inclusive maintenance facility for the AA1 and AA5 series of Grumman light aircraft, the True Flight team works closely with governmental agencies and Grumman owner’s groups to analyze potential issues and develop Service Bulletins for continued airworthiness. It is important that the facility that conducts your maintenance is well versed in the Grumman aircraft and its bonded structures. While our Grummans are not difficult to properly maintain they do require some specific attention to detail and it is imperative that repairmen follow prescribed procedures in the appropriate Maintenance Manual. If you need a manual please contact us for the latest revision.

We are already receiving responses from the fleet and at least one aircraft was found to need immediate repair – thankfully it was discovered on the ground. Please check your aircraft carefully! This is not a difficult issue to repair but it must be repaired properly.

This Service Bulletin is written to address concerns arising from a recent debonding-related accident. The intent is to make sure that your aircraft does not exhibit similar issues. Your response to this bulletin will help shape future continuing airworthiness recommendations so it is very important that you share your findings with us. If you previously downloaded SB-195 or Service Kit 157 (referenced in the SB-195) you will need to download SK-195A (it is significantly different) as well as the now referenced SK-125B. (The previously numbered SK-157 has been renamed SK-125B for better conformity). Please feel free to contact us for more information or to schedule an inspection or repair.

Special thanks to the NTSB and Atlanta ACO who worked diligently with us to develop this Service Bulletin.

Downloadable Documents Below

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SB195A Inspection Procedures



Service Kit 125B
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Compliance Cost Estimate

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